Jeep Wrangler: INTERIORS / Carpet Removal

Carpet Safety Information

Always use carpet designed to fit your vehicle. Only use carpet that does not interfere with the operation of the pedal assemblies. Only operate the vehicle when the carpet is securely attached by the grommets so it cannot slip out of position and interfere with the pedal assemblies or impair safe operation of your vehicle in other ways...

Front Carpets (Two And Four Door Models):

Remove the front grommets. Front Carpet Grommets Pull the carpet out from the front to the rear. Front Carpet Pulled Away Remove the grommets under the front seat...

Other information:

Jeep Wrangler 2018-2025 Owners Manual: Hard Top Front Panel(s) Installation

Open the header latch inside the vehicle, and the three L-shaped locks on each panel. Set the right side panel on the windshield frame with the locating pin in the front receiver mounting hole followed by the left side panel, making sure there is no overhang...

Jeep Wrangler 2018-2025 Owners Manual: Operating Tips

NOTE: Refer to the chart at the end of this section for suggested control settings for various weather conditions. Summer Operation The engine cooling system must be protected with a high-quality antifreeze coolant to provide proper corrosion protection and to protect against engine overheating...


Manual Front Seat Forward/Rearward Adjustment

The seat can be adjusted forward or rearward by using a bar located by the front of the seat cushion, near the floor. While sitting in the seat, lift up on the bar located under the seat cushion and move the seat forward or rearward. Release the bar once you have reached the desired position. Then, using body pressure, move forward and rearward on the seat to be sure that the seat adjusters have latched.

Jeep Wrangler. Manual Front Seat Forward/Rearward Adjustment

Adjustment Bar Location

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